Library for Everybody. Design for Everybody.

Strategy, Brand Design, Webdesign Munich Public Library

New Corporate Design for a Library in Transition: Development of a flexible design system that appeals to diverse audiences, is easy to use, and meets the communication needs of the largest library network in the country.

Eingangsbereich einer Bibliothek, in dem 4 verschiedene M_BIB-Plakate an verschiedenen Säulen aufgehängt sind.

The Library as the Third Place

The library becomes a vibrant meeting place that connects knowledge and people while creating space for encounters. It is a local hub where living democracy is tangible, and at the same time, a digital space that is accessible anytime. The library becomes my place. My library. Personal, on-site, and digital.

As part of the strategic process, the requirements for the new corporate design were developed together with all stakeholders. The focus was on making the institution's transformation towards the Open Library concept visible. Another key aspect was functionality. The Munich Public Library hosts numerous events daily at various branch libraries, which need to be promoted. Since the creation of promotional materials is not always carried out by designers, the system should be user-friendly for non-professionals without compromising on quality.

Die neue Website wird am Bespiel eines Laptops gezeigt. Durch die luftige Anordnung, Bilder mit gerundetet Ecken und den Einsatz des Shortcuts passt sie perfekt zum neuen Design.
In der Mobilen Ansicht sieht man die Veranstaltungsüberischt auf der Website, die dem neuen Look angepasst wurde.

M_BIB, a shortcut for change

With the introduction of the shortcut "M_BIB" the name of the institution is simplified, providing a familiar abbreviation for everyday use. As a compact symbol, "M_BIB" represents the fundamental transformation of the Munich Public Library and enhances visibility in the digital space. For use in social media, the symbol opens up new opportunities for flexible, modern communication.

Ein Jutebeutel mit M_BIB Aufdruck hängt über einen Bibliotheksstuhl.
Die neu designten Bibliotheksausweise. Es gibt 4 Varianten, je mit einen anderen Farbverlauf im Hinergrund. Das Logo und der M_BIB Achriftzug in Braille sind ebenfalls enthalten.
Eine Person sitzt in einer modernen Bibliothek mit hölzernen Bücherregalen und liest.
Ein Jutebeutel für Kinder, auf dem ein nettes Büchermonster illustriert ist.

Order creates clarity


The message levels on posters, flyers, and brochures have been systematically standardized and aligned in their wording. A clear grid places the communication elements within the layouts, ensuring that information such as event location or time is always found in the same spot. This structuring makes it easier to quickly grasp the content and ensures accessible communication.

Creative freedom within clear boundaries.
An einer nächtlichen Bushaltestelle, leuchtet ein M_BIB plakat zum Thema Open Library.
Die Innenraumgestaltung der Bibliothek im Motorama greift den Orangeton der marke teilweise auf.
Der moderne Innenhof einer Stadtteilbibliothek.
An einer Mauer hängen verschiedene Plakate, die unterschiedliche Veranstaltungen bewerben. Duch die Anordnung nebeneinander wird das klare Raster besonders deutlich.

At the center of the poster is a "window" – an image layer that visualizes the offerings of the city library. The clear structure allows this space to be used creatively and flexibly to address the various target groups of M_BIB with appropriate visual aesthetics for each.

Complex system – simple templates

The offerings of the over 30 locations of the Munich Public Library include around three million books, magazines, and new media, as well as a diverse range of events and educational programs. To enable each location to independently design posters and flyers, special templates are available that support an efficient workflow. This allows the libraries to quickly and individually respond to current topics and trends, promoting their offerings effectively and reaching their target audiences more precisely.

Eine Auswahl verschiedener Flyer. Das Repertoire reicht von Schultütenangeboten bis hin zur Seniorenwoche.

Inform. Discover. Participate.


Collaborator: Carl Bartl
Photos of Librarys: Münchner Stadtbibliothek, Eva Jünger

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