ReStart Festival The Bus to Culture

Corporate Design, Brand Communication Landeshauptstadt München

The city of Munich is celebrating a family-friendly festival for the reopening of its local community cultural centres – the ReStart Festival.

Fotografie des bunt gestalteten Plakats an einer Litfaßsäule.


After the difficult years of the pandemic, the city of Munich wanted to host a festival that would draw attention to the culture once again taking place in the local cultural centres. It was intended as an event for the whole family, running into the night with various shuttle bus lines travelling from neighbourhood to neighbourhood, from event to event.

Fotografie eines quadratischen Stickers an einer Hauswand.


Everyone can go anywhere; everyone should be addressed.

Family-friendly and inclusive.


In the design, we have coded the different neighbourhoods with colours and patterns. Bright wide lines separate the coloured areas from each other, and on the poster, around the logo, the appearance of a city map is created.

Schwarz-weiß Fotografien von Personen, die gebrandete Beutel des Festivals tragen.

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