White Ravens Festival Fantasy from around the World

Corporate Design Stiftung Internationale Jugendbibliothek

Visual Identity for the White Ravens Festival for international children's and youth literature.

Abbildung von drei Plakaten anlässlich des „White Ravens Festival“. Die Plakate bilden drei verschiedene Fantasiewelten in den Farben Pink-Lila, Geld-Türkis und Lila-Türkis ab.


Every two years in summer the International Youth Library organizes the White Ravens Festival, under the patronage of the Bavarian State Minister for Science and Art. Authors from Germany and abroad read from their children's and youth books, lead workshops and writing workshops, and participate in panel discussions about themselves and their work. The focus is on the encounters between the international guests and the predominantly young audience.


The term White Ravens represents exceptional and innovative children's and youth literature. Therefore, the task for the design was to show how fantastic the world of literature can be. That it can open up worlds for everyone - and that imagination knows no boundaries.

World of Fantasy

The focus of the festival's identity is on the variety of stories that can be expressed in books. On the festival posters, children and young people find images from their everyday lives, from the news or from the animal world, combined in a surreal interplay that can only exist in the realm of fantasy. Everyone can discover something from their own reality, so that everyone is addressed. Because literature is for everyone, and the festival wants to provide a space for good children's and youth literature and convey it.

Nahaufnahme der Fantasiewelt. Ein Rabe fliegt vor Palmen und einer überdimensionale Welle über eine Stadt hinweg.
Übersicht des Schriftschnitts: „Typestar Pro / Black“.
Abbildung verschiedener Lila und Türkis Töne.
Nahaufnahme der Fantasiewelt. Ein Drache steht im Vordergrund. Im Hintergrund stehen Kinder am Lagerfeuer und lesen.

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